Oh My Aching Back

Monday, August 15, 2016

Oh my aching back: Neck pain relief

Stress is the main cause of TMJ.  Let me give you a craniosacral technique that will help to relieve pain and tension at the base of the head, where the head and C1 meet.  It is called the
atlanto-occipital region.

There are many muscles and ligaments that attach to these bones.
TMJ/tension in muscles of chewing, sleeping with the wrong pillow, neck and shoulder tension can be relieved with this simple technique over time.

Let's begin.  Find the ridge on the back of your head just behind your ears.  Look around a bit, might be higher or lower.  You are looking for a ridge that runs  from right to left between the ears.

Next find the bumps/mastoid process, at the base of your head and just above your neck vertebrae.
Feel just behind your earlobe.

Roll a hand towel and place between these two boney landmarksor use your fingers.  I  spread out my fingers and place them from ear to ear just under the ridge.  Let the weight of your head rest on your fingertips.

Start our with a small diameter roll.
Let the weight of the head sink into the roll.
Wait for softening in this area to occur.
You are accessing the fascia inside and outside of the cranial base.  The fascia will unwind in the muscles and surrounding structures.
If you feel pain in your neck - support it with a towel or stop the procedure.  Find something to support your neck and continue.

Your towel roll could be to high, unroll it a bit until it is comfortable.
Work up to a higher roll as you gain flexibility in the neck and base of the head.
This is a very relaxing technique.  If you do not feel relaxed with this procedure, than it is not for you.

Consult your doctor, massage therapist or craniosacral therapist.

Enjoy the benefits and leave a comment or question, I would love to hear from you.

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